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Toutes vos commandes passent maintenant par le site internet !
LIVRAISON à 2€ sur Brignais, Brindas, Chaponost, Charly, Francheville, Irigny, Messimy, Mornant, Orliénas, Oullins, Saint-Genis Laval, Soucieu-en-Jarrest, Taluyers et Vourles.

La boutique des trésors ludiques

Panier 0 items - 0,00 € 0

Les trésors ludiques

Panier 0 items - 0,00 € 0


Welcome to Our Club

We Are a Board
Game Cafe

'' I had a great time there with my friends. The guy at the bar helped us with the games we didn't know why is a big plus for me! Very nice friendly atmosphere.''

